Held in the Stunning Town of Mossel Bay, South Cape, South Africa


Welwitschia was represented by Xavier Strauss and Amize Adams along with Michelle Strauss ( Leg). The event spanned over 3 days and was well attended by the Namibian Area as a whole.


We hit the Road on the 23rd of April and linked up with the Coastal and Central Tablers in Windhoek and began our journey towards The South Cape. It was a very long drive, however, when you are with like-minded fun individuals the road becomes significantly shorter.


We arrived at our destination evening of the 24th and had an early night in preparation for the festivities to come.


The next morning the Tablers were up bright and early and we started mingling with our area counterparts and guests as well as picking up our regalia for the event. In true Nam Area fashion, the raiding had started ever so slightly before the official opening ( the early bird catches the worm, and in this case banners lol) With fresh raids under our belts we explored the beach town, there was something very familiar about the beach vibe restaurants and pubs and we completely felt at home.


On the 26th the food table competition kicked off with the Namibian Area taking hands and going into overdrive, prepping and cooking and this that, and the other. The guys were exhausted but happy. Nam Area came 5th, “Hopefully we change that next year…….”


Once the competition was concluded we pulled up to the “hardcore hut” Yes you read right “ the hardcore hut” a pretty self-explanatory name, this was our watering spot, for the duration of the evening,  where we did the AREA Shirt Exchange event.


The AGM on the 27th was well attended and was reassuring for me that the organization that I chose, was noble and had a righteous cause ( right on brother) All AREAS were represented and truthfully there were so many people in attendance that it felt like independence celebrations.


That evening we wined and dined at the award ceremony. Everyone looked like they stepped out of a magazine… The ladies were stunning and the gentlemen were well… they were well dressed I suppose. All jokes aside Nam Area cleans up well.


The next morning we hit the road back to Namibia. Believe it or not even though we were tired and sore, on our way back we still managed to tell a joke share a laugh, learned some wisdom and we all recon that it was one “Hellova TRIP”


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